Today was the last day of class before mid sem. As usual, most people would go back and some will stay back to do some work. I'm in the stay back category. Well, not to say staying back isn't fun, it will be fun too catching up with projects and work and of course badminton!! I can't wait to choose my new racket (this Tuesday I think). Haha. Anyway, check this out..
This is our Psychology assignment. Subjective contour. Which triangle you will process first? The "pac men" generated triangle or the outline generated triangle? Our human brains often provide missing information about outlines. Meaning in this case, we tend to look at the “pac men” produced triangle instead of the yellow angle produced triangle. So how? When should we trust our brain? Lolz. Btw, the "pac men" is made of plastic bag cutting and the yellow outline are just some yellow paper.
Ya, actually I got the idea from this.. Hehe..
Ok.. enjoy.. Nitez..
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