This is officially the final day of my first week of work. If you all noticed, the coming 3 weeks, we will have all 3 Friday holidays. This week, awal muharam (if not mistaken), next week Christmas (maybe my company is giving 2 days hols, heard some people mentioning it), and the following Friday (2010 new year). Lolx.
Well my first day of work was ok. First 3 days were mostly briefing. Briefing about policy, safety, person to contact, procedure etc etc. Very tiring trying to hold myself from not sleeping. At the end of Wed briefing, got test some more. I hope I can pass lar... Must get 80/100 ler. Haha.
Since this is my first job, I'm quite stressed up thinking all the what if question. What if I can't cope with my job? What if I can't perform? What if they expect so much more from me? What if this what if that really made me worried about it. But during this past two weeks bible reading (quiet time), God reminds me and telling me of many things.
First, in James 1:5
"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him."
Which means I should ask wisdom from Him when I'm in need like how king Solomon did.
Also, Psalms 119:105
"Your word is a lamp to my feet & a light to my path"
God reminds me that I have to read His unchanging word and it will be the path for my life.
Also, in Pastor Clement's sermon, Deuteronomy 28.
"Seek first the kingdom of God, and blessing will chase after you. We don't chase after blessing like how most people in the world does."
Many more too. These are the few that really struck me. So, I will do my best here in Ipoh for God's glory. Do commit me in prayer ya.
Anyway, now lets talk about non holy stuff. Haha.
This is my desk at work. I have a powerful comp and a cubical for myself. But soon, this will be the location of my stress. Haha.
This is Swet Ping. Sitting behind me only. A wonderful colleague. She is a week senior than me. Haha.
So far, only two pics. Haha. I forgot to bring to the canteen to take some pics. Maybe if I have opportunity in future. Haha. For this first week in Ipoh, guess what I enjoyed most? Haha. Is this...
A king size bed in Excelsior hotel. I'm so gonna miss it next week. When I get to own a house, I will get a bed, big bed for myself. Haha.
Anyways, thats all from me now. Happy holidays. :) nice ah. so everynight u bring different girls back lo?